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Should Bitcoin Be Held to Accounting Standards?

With digital currencies like Bitcoin becoming increasingly popular, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is conducting research to determine if blockchain-based currencies should be held to a set of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) similar to those used by businesses dealing in conventional currencies.

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5 clever ways for you to build up a rapport with your clients

Marketing your brand is an essential part of running your business. In order to succeed, you have to ensure that your company is well known. However, once you have completed the initial task of attracting people to your business, you will need to make sure that they don’t lose interest. If you are hoping to establish a following of loyal customers, you will need to read on. Below are five clever ways for you to build up a rapport with your clients.

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How to Identify the Best Candidate for the Job

All companies could improve elements of their hiring process, and many worry about hiring the wrong candidate. It might be that only a small number of people are applying for the position you’ve offered, or it might be that so many are applying that it seems impossible to narrow them down.

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How to Protect Customer Data

Every enterprise has a legal and moral obligation to protect their customers’ data. You must therefore proactively take the necessary steps to successfully secure their personal details. For this reason, here is some informative advice on how to protect your customer data.

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