A hydrogen generating system, optimizing performance and efficiency of combustion engines
using all standard fuels, eliminating gaseous pollutants, saving fuel, cleaning soot and increasing power combustion systems.
Its benefits include:
Reducing fuel consumption by up to 50% and increased autonomy accordingly
Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (80% -95%) and savings in tax payments for emissions
Increased power and torque (20%)
Longer life and purity of engine oil
Increasing the life and durability of the engine or boiler (waste clean and soot)
Suitable for all types of motoresy boilers: gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, agri-biodiesel, LPG, CNG / GLC, biomass
Valid for vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, trucks, ships, machinery, boilers, etc.
Location: Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 679852325 / +34 911106496
site link: http://hidrocarecologico.com/