Satoshi Hosting

World’s first Bitcoin Purchasing Power Index.

Building upon the legendary Big Mac Index set up by The Economist in 1986, the Bitcoin Purchasing Power Index shows users how many Big Mac hamburgers they can buy with one bitcoin. bitcoinppi provides a global average index as well as local indices by country.

By taking a universally uniform and accessible product like the Big Mac hamburger, and denoting how many can be bought with a single bitcoin, shows users the everyday value of bitcoin in an easily digestible way.

Additionally, allows users to check the local purchasing power of bitcoin measured in Big Mac’s. This is advantageous because bitcoin exchange rates and Big Mac prices differ from country to country.

The index comes with a comprehensive API to let everyone access the data and use it for their own purposes. Even the website itself is open-source in order to spark further innovation, usage and economic analysis around bitcoin.

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