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Mining cryptocurrencies has become a very popular business in today’s world. The early risk-takers have made millions of dollars by mining Bitcoin. Many people have secured their financial freedom by mining Ethereum, dash, Litecoin, etc. They were skilled at selecting the asset. Unlike then, inexperienced people focused on mining Bitcoin when it was much harder to do so. You might be thinking that setting up a mining rig is the only thing you need to do to earn money. But after reading this article, you will realize mining is an art. You have to focus on some of the most important parameters and only then will you be able to ensure decent ROI.

Initial investment

You must analyze the ROI based on the initial investment. It’s true if you focus on a more expensive setup, you are going to get the investment back soon. But if you start with a small amount of money, you must be careful about the time required to earn that investment back. So, if you are looking to make some quick profit as a miner, you are doing things wrong. Mining is not a short term business. In the past, it might have provided you with a short term profit taking opportunity as the complexities were not as difficult as it is now today. But if you take a look at the complex algorithmic structure, you can easily say more hash power is required to solve a block.

Selection of the asset

The selection of the asset is critical to your success. You need to know which digital asset is going to become more valuable over the period. For instance, the professional cryptocurrency miners love to mine Bitcoin when it might gain value in the global market. It allows them to exchange Bitcoin at a higher price. On the other hand, if Bitcoin shows a massive drop in price, they simply switch to mining other digital assets. Though selecting different types of cryptocurrencies requires different setups in the mining rig, it can be a very useful process to boost up the profit. Once you learn how things work, you can even trade cryptocurrencies and take advantage of the market volatility.

The efficiency of the mining rig

Calculating the efficiency of the mining rig is important to your success. If you fail to analyze the mining rig computing power efficiently, it will be tough to decide on the complicated market. Things might be hard at the initial stage but it is the only way you can ensure that you are not spending more money on the electricity bill. One of the best ways to improve your mining efficiency is to set up a solar grid. Though the initial investment for setting up a solar-powered mining rig is very high, it can cut down the mining costs in the long run.

Selling the cryptocurrencies

Some miners sell cryptocurrencies without thinking about the market exchange rate. But professionals always look for a better deal so that they can sell them at a higher price. You might have a small mining rig that generates a small number of cryptocurrencies but it doesn’t mean you should be selling the cryptocurrencies in the long run. Just like the professional cryptocurrency traders, you need to sell the cryptocurrencies when the price is high or testing a critical resistance. It doesn’t make any sense to sell your digital asset when the price is testing a valid support. We all know the market is volatile. Holding on to the position at the right time might increase your profit to a great extent. Remember, this can also cause losses. Unless you are good at analyzing the price dynamics, you should not employ this technique.

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