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Hackers who demand extortion money in Bitcoin are attacking websites of Asian Banks.

Hong Kong's largest banks have recently been under attack from hackers, supposedly from abroad. They launched a DDos attack on the Banks' websites. The Bank of China and the Bank of East Asia are two prominent banks in the region and confirmed that they had such an attack on May 9.

The interesting thing to note about this attack is that the attackers demanded the ransom money in Bitcoin. Bitcoin, with its decentralized system is known to be able to support such transactions. The Standard, reported that the attackers were demanding Bitcoins in return for the guarantee of no future attacks from the group and an immediate end to the attack.

Local crime prevention authorities think that the extortion group DD4BC, who have attacked several other organizations in Switzerland and Australia, propagated the attack.

Bitcoin's involvement in such bleak scenarios is very discouraging. The budding crypto currency is still going under regulations and such an attack can easily be used to discourage financial institutions from widely adopting this digital currency.

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