Intrade Tx

Intrade Bitcoin Transaction eXchange offers Bitcoin to Intrade(USD) deposits for predictions market betting.
Intrade Bitcoin Transaction eXchange offers Bitcoin to Intrade(USD) deposits for predictions market betting.
buy or sell Bitcoins in Thailand with cash (Thai Baht, THB) via local bank deposits or transfers.
Buy or sell bitcoins with others in Hungary using cash (Hungarian Forint, HUF).
The Bitcoin-OTC project is a marketplace for people to conduct over-the-counter trading in bitcoin.
CoinTree is an easy to use service that cuts out all the complexity of buying and selling bitcoin.
A fixed-price currency where bitcoins can be bought and sold with $CAD.
Buy/Sell BTC with cash in London. Accepts cash, Liberty Reserve, Moneybookers, Pokerstars USD, Liqpay, Alertpay, Perfect Money and more.
An exchange site where bitcoins may be bought or sold.
This service is also useful for using bitcoins to send remittance payments to India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Singapore. Bitcoins may be purchased with cash deposit at banks in these countries and in Nepal as well.
Buys BTC for USD through various methods (at avg bid price).
Bit currency China is a fixed-rate exchange where bitcoins can be bought and sold.