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Topping this Law firm D. Diego Fernandez Fernandez, practicing lawyer with a long career and experience in the defense of fundamental rights and freedoms before the European Court of Human Rights.

National Award 2002 is Aranzadi for its "Systems Theory", in a study about the Law of Defense in the European Judicial Area, which analyzes the essential elements to be rotated about the rule of law, and a concept of justice real and effective. Concepts often are denatured in daily judicial practice. He is the founder of Human Rights Lawyers in Spain, which currently has firm legal team all highly skilled and trained in the procedure before the ECHR and its jurisprudence, counting and HR Lawyers with over 12 years experience in the practice of law

This professional firm ultimately offers what no other : A real and effective last chance to win a lost procedure in Spain, asserting a right not received at national headquarters.

Address: Avenida de la Constitución 12, 18012 Granada, Spain

Phone: 617005023

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